This has been made using an old wool blanket that I have hand dyed. It could also be made using wool felt (not acrylic as it is not porous enough to be able to successfully felt with). I cut an oblong shape, rounded one end and then felted in the grass, flowers etc before I stitched it up using a blanket stitch. The flowers were cut from dyed prefelt and pearls have been sewn in the centres.
I purchased the box in The Works. I felted together a seascape using fleece which had been hand dyed in blue and turquoise colours. I also incorporated a little prefelt. The shells were glued on though they could be stitched if preferred. The landscape was then trimmed to size and glued on to the top of the box.
This picture has been made up with strips of hand dyed prefelt. I have cut them into random shapes and laid on to the backing then felted along the outlines as if I was stitching them. The grass in the foreground and the sheep have been felted using fleece to give added interest and texture.
I supply hand dyed prefelt and fleece in my experimental packs to be found under the experimental kits page. For further information on this technique have a look at the video on this website.
Again using prefer strips but overlaying it with fleece and adding natural colour fleece for the rocks. I have felted in the sheep using fleece.This has been framed in a box frame. I use box frames quite a lot and purchase them at The Range. These can also be found online via eBay sellers. I usually remove the glass as it shows the colour and texture of my work.
Once again the same technique of combining prefelt with fleece but this time I knitted a square using brown wool. To stabilise it so that I could felt on it I ironed a fusible stabiliser on the back. This one has only a few strips of prefelt and more fleece felted over it.
This is a great way to use up all those odds and ends of wool plus you can combine different colours. I have a few more to give you further inspiration below!
I have felted this picture usiI have applied a bit of hand dyed bandage for the waters edge, bits of prefelt , small felted rocks and shells . Once I had finished it I blanket stitched it on to a square piece of felt then glued it on to a canvas. With so much texture I didn't want to hide it behind glass!
Still staying on the theme of mixed medium. this one has bits of lace stitched in, hand dyed muslin, strips of prefelt as well as fleece felted in. I also made some 'silk paper' using raw cocoon strippings and laid thin layers of fleece over the paper to felt in. This helped to secure it and gave an atmospheric look to the piece. This is a technique which that I teach on one of my classes
A great way to dress up a wine or whisky bottle. just make a wee waistcoat! The front has been cut from a piece of Harris tweed and the back from black acrylic felt. Once I have felted onto the front I stitch along the top and just put a couple of stitcheds inthe side to hold it together. A few buttons down the dront and a couple of white squares of felt for the collar. You could also make this to reflect the recipients interest such a felting in a fish for a fisherman, chickens, toadstools...the possibilities are endless. A great way to gift a bottle. I have made several at Christmas with snow themes so that the bottle can be displayed.
It is easy enough to make the pattern however if you are not confident in doing so then please email me and i will send a free PDF pattern sheet.